(540) 389-2300        WALKERPC@VAATTORNEY.COM


David D. Walker, P.C. concentrates on DUI and Drunk Driving defense.  If you or anyone you know has been charged with DUI, contact David D. Walker P.C. right away to maximize your legal defense.

Our law firm is dedicated to fighting for rights of citizens accused of Drunk Driving and DUIs. After being arrested, most people accused of a crime feel as though they are guilty. Many citizens with excellent cases to challenge make hasty decision to plead guilty or nolo contendere without looking into the chances that an experienced, skilled DUI and Drunk Driving attorney will be able to help find a complete solution [e.g., dismissal or acquittal] or at least negotiate an acceptable solution [e.g., serious offense reduced to a lesser offense, or most of the charges dropped] in the pending case. In the overwhelming majority of the cases we accept, we are able to accomplish either total dismissal of the most serious charge or charges, or a reduction of that more serious offense to a lesser offense.

In a vast majority of cases, we can ofer you hope that your case merits pursuit of a legal challenge in court. Plus, most people facing prosecution do not know the penalty or the range of possible consequences of a guilty or nolo contendere plea if that case is ultimately decided against them.

If David D. Walker PC accepts your case, the first thing we will do is get all available evidence against you.  We will contact the prosecutor, the police officer or officers involved in the case, gather all documentary evidence available, go to the scene of the arrest, possibly help you retain other experts such as accident reconstruction specialists, physicians, breath test experts and field sobriety test experts. With this information, we will then apply our years of experience and give you our assessment of your case.

What makes David D. Walker PC different? Our criminal defense lawyers handle all type of criminal cases from murder, drug possession, and sex crimes to speeding and every type of felony or misdemeanor in between. We handle cases statewide, and have developed relationships with attorneys in every corner of Virginia (and even outside of Virginia) in case we decide that associating with local counsel (or consulting with an attorney in another state) provides the best method of defending your case.

We concentrate our criminal law practice on cases involving alcohol and drugs, particularly DUI-alcohol and DUI-drugs, since crimes involving alcohol or drugs involve a major segment of criminal law where accused clients with too much to lose will seek to retain top-level, highly experienced legal counsel to protect their jobs, their driving privileges and their freedom from being sent back to jail.

A conviction for a crime in Virginia is permanent. A nolo contendere (no contest) plea is treated as a criminal convictoin, too, and will stay on your record for life. A criminal conviction is never "expunged" from your record.  That is why a decision you make today about your pending case can last a lifetime. The quality of your life and your earning capability over your remaining lifetime can be negatively impacted by a hasty decision to take the cheap route and plead guilty or nolo contendere.

Please contact David D. Walker PC today and let our firm start building your defense.

                                David D. Walker PC
                                40 West Main Street    
                                Salem, Virginia 24153
                                (540) 389-2300